Facilitating Copyright Protection

Uzbek government is focusing on issues of further strengthening of copyright protection. In particular, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved the Resolution No. 469 "On the procedure for storing electronic copies of copyright objects in a Single database" dated 08/23/2022 (hereinafter the Resolution), which should enter into force on April 1, 2023.

A single database is being created for permanent storage of electronic control copies of works of art, literary and scientific works, the full list of which is given in the Resolution. The Intellectual Property Center under the Ministry of Justice has been appointed as the operator for maintaining and replenishing the database.

According to the Resolution, electronic control copies of the object are placed in a Single database by persons engaged in the storage of copyright objects (depositories) with the indication of the depository, the copyright owner who transferred such rights for storage to the depository, the author, the type and name of the copyright object, the date of creation, the first publication and entry into the database of the object of copyright.

Depositories will be required to provide copies of each object to the database, and the information will be publicly open for general review. The creation of a single database in open access can help to increase awareness of copyright, and can also serve as a tool to prevent further violations in the field of copyright.

Earlier the Law "On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with further enhancement of legal protection of IP objects" dated 20.08.2021 established a fine for copyright infringement with significant amount.
