Settle skillfully guided an international company specialized in distribution of FMCG through the complex process of securing legal protection for their brand. The client desired to register a combined designation as a trademark for goods in classes 29 and 30 in Uzbekistan. However, during the application review, Uzbek Patent Office identified a similar trademark registered by another entity, which created a significant obstacle.
Recognizing the legal grounds for early termination, Settle filed a lawsuit to partially terminate the Respondent’s trademark registration in class 30. According to Uzbek law, a trademark certificate can be terminated early if the trademark has not been used continuously for the last three years. Additionally, products in class 30 require mandatory state certification procedures before marketing in Uzbekistan. Publicly available data indicated that no certificates of conformity for these products were issued in the holder’s name, reinforcing the argument that the trademark was not in legal use.
Settle’s thorough preparation and strong legal strategy led to a successful outcome, consequently, the Respondent voluntarily relinquished their trademark rights, allowing for the registration of the client’s trademark in Uzbekistan.